Well as we all can see by the neverending rays of sunshine, Winter 2016/17 is slowly coming to and end. But that doesn’t mean all frowns around here. Champéry has tons of exciting things in store for the next few weeks of April to keep us skiing, dancing, drinking and more! Check out the schedule for the next few weeks.
07- Champery live features Sidi Wacho. Come by the church square to enjoy some live music and `vin chaud` and dance your pants off this Friday night.
09- Hop MoMo N BBQ. Bring your chicken, sausage or tofu and enjoy an afternoon of live music and BBq on the slopes of Les Crosets. Concert from 15h-16h .. join the after party at L`engrenage.
16- Waterslide Les Crosets. Get on your coolest Easter costume and slide your way. Competition is 15chf for entry. Slide is open for the public after the competition. Not intrested in sliding? No problem, pop by just to watch the fun.
17- Easter Egg hunt. Do you have kiddies that love chocolate? (ok well you don’t have to be little to love swiss chocolat) but head over to the Palladium for an Easter Egg hunt located in the pool area. Enjoy a fun filled afternoon with water activities, adventure and a good ol’ fashioned easter egg hunt. Grab your towel and bathing soon and see you there!
Hope everyone enjoyed this 2016/17 season, we look forward to seeing you back in May for the Maxi Rire festival ( conveniently located just beside The Lodge !)